Greetings, Martín Fernández!

>   Stéphane, 
>  That seems to have done the trick :). Now a I see different outputs when
> running `free` on the container than in the host. At the same time,
> non-restarted containers are showing the host output which sound good as well.
>  One last question, If I don’t limit the amount of memory a container has
> it should show the host available memory right ?  
>  Asking this because I have the following situation that for sure it not 
> right.
>  Host ```  
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached 
> Mem:         32109      25432       6676          9       1297      18510 
> -/+ buffers/cache:       5624      26484 
> Swap:       138699        893     137806 
> ``` 

> Container (the restarted one): 
> ``` 
>              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached 
> Mem:         32109        951      31157          9          0        256 
> -/+ buffers/cache:        695      31414 
> Swap:       138699        893     137806  
> ``` 

> The container is showing that it has 31157 megabytes free but that is
> obviously this is not true based on what the host is showing (6676).

The "free" memory is "available minus used (by non-discardable data)".
So, no, it just can't show actual free memory inside a container, no.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, June 6, 2018 20:53:07

Sorry for my terrible english...
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