On 11/01/2013 11:36 AM, Julien Lavergne wrote:
> 2013/10/30 Jerome Leclanche <adys...@gmail.com <mailto:adys...@gmail.com>>
>     SDDM automatically suggested I use "LXDE Session". I don't know what
>     you'd have to use for something like startx, I think Julien had issues
>     with that.
> You should have a "LXDE-QT Session" instead, otherwise it will load a
> regular LXDE session with the gtk components. On Ubuntu, I have this
> session, and it started correctly the panel. It needs some little
> fixes but at least it starts a working session using lxsession.

hi all,

finally Im able to compile/install all components. "The LXDE-Qt session"
is shown in kdm but when I select it and let my test user log in nothing
happens. Meaning: there is no wm/panel/desktop loaded.

Should I configure something first?


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