
I tried starting a plain Openbox and executing startlxde-qt. It tells me
where it stores its log files, and doesn't say anything until I stop the
script. Looking into the log I saw, that it doesn't finde several libs
like libqtxdg, liblxqt or libfm. These libs are installed
into /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu. Creating symlinks from these libs
to /usr/local/lib doesn't help.

Does anybody know how to solve this issue ? I'll attach the log file.

Because it's very big (startlxde-qt tries to find these libs all the
time) I cut off some parts. [...] means that I shorted the file here,
because the previous lines were repeated many times.


Am Samstag, den 02.11.2013, 00:10 +0800 schrieb PCMan:
> On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 7:12 PM, Petr Vanek <p...@yarpen.cz> wrote:
> >  On 11/01/2013 11:36 AM, Julien Lavergne wrote:
> >
> >
> >  2013/10/30 Jerome Leclanche <adys...@gmail.com>
> >
> >> SDDM automatically suggested I use "LXDE Session". I don't know what
> >> you'd have to use for something like startx, I think Julien had issues
> >> with that.
> >>
> >  You should have a "LXDE-QT Session" instead, otherwise it will load a
> > regular LXDE session with the gtk components. On Ubuntu, I have this
> > session, and it started correctly the panel. It needs some little fixes but
> > at least it starts a working session using lxsession.
> >
> >
> > hi all,
> >
> > finally Im able to compile/install all components. "The LXDE-Qt session"
> > is shown in kdm but when I select it and let my test user log in nothing
> > happens. Meaning: there is no wm/panel/desktop loaded.
> >
> > Should I configure something first?
> >
> > thanks,
> > p.
> >
> There are several ways to find out the cause of this problem.
> 1. Login with plain openbox and not a DE.
> 2. open xterm or any terminal emu you like.
> 3. run `startlxde-qt' command manully and see if there are any error
> messages in the console.
> Another way is, open an terminal emulator, and execute the following
> commands manually.
> 1. openbox &
> 2. lxqt-panel &
> 3. pcmanfm --desktop --profile lxqt &
> Then, see if you get error messages in the console.
> Thanks
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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** Message: utils.vala:68: User config used : /home/david/.config/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/desktop.conf
** Message: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /home/david/.config/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/desktop.conf
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'panel/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'dock/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'file_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'desktop_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'launcher_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'composite_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'im1/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'im2/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'widget1/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have group 'Keymap'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have group 'XRandr'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'screensaver/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'power_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'polkit/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'network_gui/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'audio_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'workspace_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'terminal_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'screenshot_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'upgrade_manager/command'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'upstart_user_session'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'laptop_mode'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'gnome'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have group 'Security'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have group 'a11y'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have group 'Updates'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'type'
** Message: settings.vala:396: Key file does not have key 'sGtk/ColorScheme'
** Message: settings.vala:332: Monitoring: /home/david/.config/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/desktop.conf
** Message: settings.vala:336: Desktop file is already in config home, do nothing
** Message: environement.vala:56: Exporting variable
** Message: environement.vala:57: desktop_environnement XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
** Message: environement.vala:139: confir_dirs is null, export : /etc/xdg
** Message: environement.vala:151: Exporting XDG_CONFIG_DIRS
** Message: environement.vala:158: data_dirs is null, export : /usr/local/share:/usr/share:/usr/share/gdm:/var/lib/menu-xdg
** Message: environement.vala:170: Exporting XDG_DATA_DIRS
** Message: utils.vala:79: Config system location : /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-Qt
** Message: utils.vala:85: System system path location : /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/conffiles.conf
** Message: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/conffiles.conf
** Message: utils.vala:68: User config used : /home/david/.config/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/desktop.conf
** Message: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /home/david/.config/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/desktop.conf
** Message: utils.vala:68: User config used : /home/david/.config/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/autostart
** Message: utils.vala:89: Final file used : /home/david/.config/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/autostart
** Message: autostart.vala:44: Autostart path : /home/david/.config/lxsession/LXDE-Qt/autostart
lxqt-panel: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
pcmanfm-qt: error while loading shared libraries: libfm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Obt-Message: Xinerama extension is not present on the server
lxqt-runner: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
lxqt-notificationd: error while loading shared libraries: libqtxdg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

** (lxsession:2883): WARNING **: app.vala:77: Failed to execute child process "lxqt-policykit" (No such file or directory)

** (lxsession:2883): WARNING **: app.vala:78: Error when launching lxqt-policykit
** Message: options.vala:213: Create Option Clipboard
** Message: options.vala:46: Options - Launch command lxclipboard
** Message: main.vala:391: Check keymap_mode (null)
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-panel exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
** Message: app.vala:123: pcmanfm-qt exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-panel: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-runner exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
pcmanfm-qt: error while loading shared libraries: libfm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-notificationd exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-runner: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-panel exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-notificationd: error while loading shared libraries: libqtxdg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


lxqt-notificationd: error while loading shared libraries: libqtxdg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

** Message: app.vala:123: pcmanfm-qt exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-panel: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-runner exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload

** (nm-applet:2909): WARNING **: Couldn't register with accessibility bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.

** (notification-daemon:2911): WARNING **: Couldn't register with accessibility bus: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
N: [pulseaudio] main.c: User-configured server at {d79cfa1f3595e1645f1008ad526306e4}unix:/run/user/1000/pulse/native, which appears to be local. Probing deeper.
pcmanfm-qt: error while loading shared libraries: libfm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-notificationd exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-runner: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-panel exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-notificationd: error while loading shared libraries: libqtxdg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: pcmanfm-qt exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-panel: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
[Notice] Started
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-runner exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
pcmanfm-qt: error while loading shared libraries: libfm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-notificationd exit with this type of exit: 32512


** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-notificationd exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-runner: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
openbox (null) 
Launching lxqt-globalkeysd lxqt-globalkeysd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificationd lxqt-notificationd (null) 
Launching lxqt-panel lxqt-panel (null) 
Launching pcmanfm-qt pcmanfm-qt --desktop --profile lxqt (null) 
Launching lxqt-runner lxqt-runner (null) 
Launching lxqt-notificat** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-panel exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-notificationd: error while loading shared libraries: libqtxdg.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: pcmanfm-qt exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
lxqt-panel: error while loading shared libraries: liblxqt.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: app.vala:123: lxqt-runner exit with this type of exit: 32512
** Message: app.vala:141: Exit not normal, reload
pcmanfm-qt: error while loading shared libraries: libfm.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

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