>>>>> "2692100011" == 2692100011  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

2692100011> Hi, I'm a new user of LyX. And now, I have the problem to
2692100011> change the layout title into my language. When I use the
2692100011> Abstract layout, the word "Abstract" always appear in the
2692100011> beginning of abstrac paragraph; or if I use the Part
2692100011> layout, then the word "Part #" show in the beginning line.
2692100011> Now, how to change this word, so I can use my own
2692100011> language, e.g., I need the word "Abstrak" instead of
2692100011> "Abstract", or "Bagian" instead of "Part #"

2692100011> btw, I'm an Indonesian, a student of Sepuluh Nopember
2692100011> Institut of Technology, and I'm so sorry about my "BAD
2692100011> ENGLISH" in this mail.


If you want text to be properly translated on your printed document,
you have to select your language in the Layout->Document popup.

- the language has to be supported by the latex package "babel".
  Currently LyX does not have a choice for indonesian (although I
  admit I do not know how your language is named) because as far as I
  know babel can't do it.

- then you will have nice messages on paper, but you will see the
  english versions on screen. To fix that, you have to make your own
  version of LyX textclass files as explained in Help->Customization.

Hope this helps.


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