Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
Georg said that in his case it could be as long as 20 seconds because of
this scanning. That's why I talked about that since the beginning.

It don't think it'll take that long (for one scan). I used to have a full TeXLive installation and several hundreds of bibfiles, and my thesis used 10 different bibfiles. The scanning never took me any longer than 2 seconds.

Well, that's 2 second gained :-)
I can imagine that it would take much longer if your bibfiles were on the netwrk though... In this case, I suspect that my patch will bring a big saving.

Could you test the attached patch nevertheless? Or Georg maybe?

I've tested it with some of the bibtex files in my MikTex installation and it works fine. I am not a user of BibTeX myself so I will wait for Georg (and others) opinion on this matter before committing it.

Yes. Tomorrow.

Fine, thanks,

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