>>    The
>>    setting is needed that LyX can be installed in folder/paths with accented 
characters, umlauts,
>> etc. I've build in a lookup table for the different languages. Unfortunately 
utf-8 cannot be
>>  used, only a cp charset - I found out that this is a windows restriction.

> Couldn't this be done from within LyX instead?

I don't know how.

>> I don't understand what you mean. I know users who use a German Windows but install LyX with >> Spanish menus. LyX menu language should be independent from Windows' language settings.

> Sure but the default proposed language should be German in this case.

That's the case. Maybe you should test my installer to see how it works.

>>    What do you mean with "if the system language is OK"?
> I mean exactly this:
>>    The current behaviour is: The installer checks the actual Windows 
language and proposes this
>>    one in a droplist.

> By default?


>>    Btw. I want to upload my installer stuff to SVN, is that OK?
> Is it an enhancement of Joost code or a completely different code base?

Joost's installer is based on mine but he build in many special things that I 
cannot maintain.
I listed the differences here:

I'm not able to maintain Joost's code :-(

regards Uwe

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