On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 02:37:43PM +0200, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Abdelrazak" == Abdelrazak Younes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Abdelrazak> I agree but it's more work than my signal based solution
> Abdelrazak> which is assured to work in all cases. I tell you what, in
> Abdelrazak> order to save the bits Andre is worried about I am going
> Abdelrazak> to remove the signal from Inset and transfer them to
> Abdelrazak> InsetText and InsetMathHull. In 1.6, we can think of this
> Abdelrazak> other solution. But really, my solution is cheap in terms
> Abdelrazak> of CPU and it will be cheaper in terms of memory when I do
> Abdelrazak> the change described above.
> So it is not realted to Helge's comlaint that moving the cursor
> produces a high CPU load?

I have just browsed through boost/signals and I have a hard time to
believe my eyes. A signal is not only the 20 static bytes I noticed
yesterday, but there is Pandora's box of dynamic components hidden in
it. When no slot is connected, a signal takes up a total of ~200 bytes
of static and dynamic memory, connected to a single slot it takes ~280

This is ridiculous.


PS: Same test for Qt signal/slot gives btw ~190 bytes for a connected
signal and <100 for an unconnected one. So once more we picked the more
expensive solution, but that's an issue I do not want to discuss in this

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