The problem is that, when mouse hovering, no text painting should be
needed, only background. But, because of current architectur where text
is drawn _after_ background, we are forced to do the text painting.
Changing this (using text on transparent background painting) basically
needs a rewrite of rowpainter hence a 1.6 business).


Now, in case when mouse hovering hapens just after a SinglePar update
and at the same screen location, grey areas are drawn before and after
the current paragraph. I am not sure I am clear...

Not completely, but thanks a lot anyway.
So, why the NoUpdate flag if the background is to be repainted? And then, if NoUpdate still repaints the background, why do we have the grey areas bug,
are vi.y1 and vi.y2 wrong for some reason?

You can issue redrawing from vi.y1 to vi.y2, e.g. the upper and lower line of a paragraph, with update_strategy set the NoUpdate. With the old behavior in this case the paragraph was redrawn correctly, but then _all the remaining part_ of the screen was painted grey. Hence the grey bars in certain cases.


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