On Fri, Jun 15, 2007 at 12:39:01AM -0400, Richard Heck wrote:

> This patch is now slightly updated. In place of the two scripts 
> tex4html_copy.py and dir_copy.py, there is now just one, ext_copy.py. 
> Without any optional arguments, this script acts like dir_copy.py did: 
> It copies all files in LyX's temporary directory to a subdirectory of 
> the target directory. But now the script takes two optional arguments:
>     -e: a list of extensions to copy, by default all
>     -t: an extension to add to the name of the generated target 
> directory, by default "LyXconv"
> The idea with the default in the latter case is simply to avoid 
> conflicting filenames. But if, like Uwe, you feel like being reckless 
> ;-), you can do define your HTML copier as:
>     python ext_copy.py -e html,css,png -t . $$i $$o
> and you'll export to /path/to/filename.html/. Note the use of the dot here.
> This new patch will allow easy handling of other converters, such as 
> hevea (and if anyone knows what kinds of files it generates, let me 
> know, and I'll add the definition to configure.py). You just have to say 
> what kinds of files to copy. Of course, in some cases, you may end up 
> copying more than you really needed to copy, but avoiding this is 
> complicated and, to my mind, not entirely necessary, as this remains an 
> exceptional case.
> The patch also includes some associated updates to the documentation.

This issue has proven to be difficult, so I think that your solution
is the less intrusive and workable one. I think that we should support
more actively the converters we look for, i.e., provide a -e switch
for latex2html and hevea, but this could be done by others who know
the kind of output they generate.

> Now seeking an OK to commit.

I think you got enough of them. Only a suggestion: Please name the
script html_copy.py as this is what it is intended for. If you think
that it can be used for a more general purpose, such that ext_copy.py
is more correct, then avoid adding .html to the directory it creates.

Thanks for having solved this long standing problem.


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