Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> Why should the quotation be OS-dependent? 

quoteName is OS-dependent:

switch(style) {
        case quote_shell:
                // This does not work for filenames containing " (windows)
                // or ' (all other OSes). This can't be changed easily, since
                // we would need to adapt the command line parser in
                // Forkedcall::generateChild. Therefore we don't pass user
                // filenames to child processes if possible. We store them in
                // a python script instead, where we don't have these
                // limitations.
                return (os::shell() == os::UNIX) ?
                        '\'' + name + '\'':
                        '"' + name + '"';
        case quote_python:
                return "\"" + subst(subst(name, "\\", "\\\\"), "\"", "\\\"")
                     + "\"";

> I'd just do an explicit 
> "double quote" thing. If you are worried about " in file names, we can
> do something more elaborate.

OK, I can do a simple "-quoting for the lfun argument. But then still the 
second problem needs to be solved:

If I have
file "path/to/file name/" dvips -t letter

I can get target with getArg(0) and target_name with getArg(1). But how do I 
get command ("dvips -t letter" in this case)?


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