Abdelrazak Younes ha scritto:
I would say "for having more workarea widgets around".
Probably, whether embedded into dialogs, toolbars or tab
panes is not that important.
Yes, we also want split views but I see the two kinds as separate. I have plans to implement split view but not as an embedded dialog.
Of course. Infact, in such case, we would need to replace the "central widget" of the QMainWindow with a QMdiArea, containing multiple (tabbed) widgets as subwindows. Anyway, the problem in the current code base is that setCurrentWorkarea() expects to find the new work area into one of the tabbed panes, so to show/activate it, while it would be possible that the new workarea to be set as
1) resides into a dialog
2) resides into a docked window
3) resides into the tabbed pane
Probably, the LyXView should be aware of all of the workareas that are being shown at the same time (now the patch does not really work that way), but I'm not sure whether this is needed or not.
>could you explain briefly why?

For advance search&replace.

Probably a few other use cases where it could be used are:
- having a split-window feature, that would allow to have
  more workareas (on same or different buffers) in the same
  LyX View
Yes (see above) but this is different as this needs direct interaction with the other "real" workareas. Those other types (embedded ones) do not need the same kind of interaction:
Yes, except the Mdi case, the other ones will probably not need all of the surrounding toolbars/menu voices functionality. However, the advanced search would seem to need a good amount of them, if not all (searching for notes, layouts, faces, breaks,
floats, maths would seems to be all feasible things).



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