>>>>> "Marko" == Marko Vendelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marko> Please check, whether you have these directories in your local
Marko> copy and whether autogen.sh script contains a huge line with

Marko> "for fil in config/lyxinclude.m4 config/libtool.m4
Marko> config/gettext.m4 config/lcmessage.m4 config/progtest.m4
Marko> config/sigc++.m4 config/kde.m4 confi g/gnome/aclocal-include.m4
Marko> config/gnome/gnome-print-check.m4 ..."

I do have all this files, but I think you have some gtkxxx.m4 files in
your /usr/share/aclocal (or whereever) directory, that got installed
when installing gtk. A simple check: grep AM_PATH_GTK
config/gnome/*.m4 reveals that this macro is used there, but never


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