>>>>> "Marko" == Marko Vendelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Marko> Well, it seems that script gtk.m4 fails to compile a small gtk
Marko> program with AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS. When I inserted AC_LANG_C
Marko> before AC_TRY_RUN (gnome/gtk.m4, line 65) and AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS
Marko> at the end of this script, the program was compiled. However,
Marko> the configure script produced slightly different Makefile (one
Marko> CPPFLAGS option was missing). Thus, to resolve this problem one
Marko> needs to run AC_TRY_RUN with AC_LANG_C and somehow keep the
Marko> configuration of AC_LANG_CPLUSPLUS. I don't know how to do it.

Could you show us this small program? It might be that it uses a
valid C syntax that is not valid C++. These things are easy to fix in


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