On 03/20/2010 04:54 AM, Jean-Pierre Chrétien wrote:
rgheck<rgh...@...>  writes:

Here's a patch updated to current trunk, since I incremented the format
for another reason.
There is still a typo which prevents successful conversion: there should be a
closing " after vreference in line:

+            document.body[k] = "reference + " \"" + prefix + ":" + suffix + 

Once corrected, lyx2lyx works fine.

Now how did it work here? I did actually test this.... ;-)

Then all problems due to : being active in French vanish, either coming from the
use of varioref or from the use of formatted references.
As refstyle make the sensitivity to active characters disappear, it seems that
the issue of a change of the labelling disappears as well.


I would like to confirm this on a more complete example, so I'm willing to write
a file (which could be distributed in the examples directory) which includes
kinds of labels and crossrefs for various kind of insets. This file would allow
to check i18n.

That would be great.

So I'll go ahead and commit this if it seems good to Jurgen. I'd like his opinion, too.

However, IMHO, the explicit loading of nameref with varioref should be added for
the 1.6 series (1.6.6 or 1.6.7) to solve the varioref issue in the current
stable version. Solving the prettyref issue is more problematic (\shorthandoff
fails if : is not active). Editing the manuals maight be enough for this one.

This one is definitely for Jurgen.


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