I am trying to support a command with argument for run-in headings: It produces a small vertical skip without indent and then writes the text in the argument in a bold font. Is it possible to mimic this behavior in LyX? I experimented with the "LabelType Manual" directive but could not get it to work as I also need to pass the label text as an argument. At this time I am simply using a static label to indicate the style but this is of course not a very good solution.

I also ran into various problems with tex2lyx when I tried to import tex-documents with LaTeX-commands that use required or optional arguments and that are supported in the layout. Are such problems well known or should I file a bug report?

tex2lyx also failed to import an unsupported command with optional argument: in \sidecaption[t] the optional argument was imported as regular text.

(LyX 2.0.0 RC3 and OSX)


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