Marcus Kriele wrote:

> I also ran into various problems with tex2lyx when I tried to import
> tex-documents with  LaTeX-commands that use required or optional
> arguments and that are supported in the layout. Are such problems well
> known or should I file a bug report?

Such problems are not known (assuming you really called the correct tex2lyx 
that has access to the .layout files, LyX itself sometimes chooses the wrong 
one). tex2lyx is supposed to import all LaTeX commands that are directly 
mapped to styles in the .layout file.

> tex2lyx also failed to import an unsupported command with optional
> argument: in \sidecaption[t] the optional argument was imported as
> regular text.

This is expected. tex2lyx cannot decide whether "[xxx]" is an optional 
argument or standard text if it does not know whether the command supports 
an optional argument. You need to add those commands to the 
lib/synlib/syntax.default file. Then they will be imported correctly by 
tex2lyx (as ERT).


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