I am currently learning C++ programming (from Accelerated C++). There is a
feature that I would like to implement, but I would like some advice as to
1) what I need to know in order to implement it, 2) is it feasible? 3) would
this be useful to others?

Here is the feature:

The user could select a pdf, select a page, and then that page would be
visible in LyX. The user could then draw a rectangle on that pdf page that
would outline the part of that pdf page that he would like to insert into
his lyx document. I think the LaTeX code is not that complicated. It would
just use the bounding box or viewport option of the includegraphics command.
Also, I do not think this falls under the category of "stop requesting that
LyX includes a graphics editor" because it would not even need to access or
edit the image, except to display the pdf page.

Why do I think this would be a good feature?
I see too often documents (both papers and especially beamer presentations)
that would like to put in a table from another pdf, but they do so by taking
a screen shot, which ends up looking quite ugly because its a bitmap.

Any advice would be helpful.

Thank you,


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