Paul A. Rubin <rubin <at>> writes:

> Julien Rioux <jrioux <at>> writes:
> > 
> > In a module, with the usual definition and format lines at the top, put:
> > 
> > provides xypic
> > 
> > AddToPreamble
> >    \usepackage{etex}
> >    \usepackage{xypic}
> > EndPreamble
> > 
Alas, it did not work.  LyX refused to parse the file if it contained both the
"Provides xy" and "\usepackage{xy}" lines.  The workaround I devised was a dummy
module that contains just the top stuff and "Provides xy" (but nothing for the
preamble - so it lies about providing xy.sty).  Then I load etex.sty and xy.sty
manually in the preamble, in the proper order.  It works but it's ugly.

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