On Wednesday 28 September 2011 15:11:02 Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:
> Il 28/09/2011 16:36, Rudi Gaelzer ha scritto:
> > I don't know if this has already been reported. I made a quick scan
> > through both the user and devel lists and couldn't find anything related.
> > 
> > 
> > While editing a text riddled with mathematical formulae, I had to use
> > advanced search several times to locate some mathematical expressions.
> > Suddenly, my system started to crawl. The reason was that lyx was
> > using almost all available memory.
> Hi Rudi, thanks for your report. I'll urgently look into possible memory
> leaks due to this feature. In the mean time, any step-by-step
> reproducible receipt leading to a show-up of the problem would be
> greatly appreciated.
> > My fedora 15 desktop has 4GB RAM + 6GB swap. When I start lyx (version
> > 2.0.1 fc15, fully updated), it uses about 1,5% of available memory.
> > After performing the first advanced search, the memory used jumped to
> > 5%. The memory usage just accrued for subsequent search operations,
> > and all of a sudden lyx was using about 75% of all memory and all
> > other applications started to get swapped. It seems like the search
> > engine is not refreshing the results or intermediate data from
> > previous searches, but simply keeps piling them up.
> > 
> > 
> > Has anyone detected anything similar?
> actually not, I normally use 4GB of RAM, but while developing I normally
> have very short sessions then I close the program. Recently, I wrote a
> paper and I used quite a lot Advanced Search and Replace (for reworking
> the math notation), with all-day long sessions, without noticing
> anything (but before exhausting the 4 GB it may take a while -- also,
> normally I work on short documents with let's say ten matches during a
> search -- didn't try replacing hundreds of times in a big document yet).
> Can you just tell me what were the specific options used during your
> searches ? For example, default options, or, were you changing the
> "ignore format" option or others ? were you searching with regexps ? etc...
> Thanks,
>      T.

The document I'm working right now has thousands of formulas and I've been 
using the 
advanced search pretty heavily.  I can detect the increasing memory load even 
with the 
very simple text that I attached (memory.lyx).  I was continually searching for 
and the memory load increased steadily;  much slower, but increased 

As for the options I'm using, they're the default options (only Ignore format 
On the other hand, regarding regexps, I did not pay attention to the 
instructions in the 
section 6.13.3 (Advanced usage) of the user guide.  I simply entered the math 
inside the Find: window and performed the search.  Would that make any 

Rudi Gaelzer
Department of Physics
Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Federal University of Pelotas
Registered linux user # 153741

Attachment: memory.lyx
Description: application/lyx

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