Il 01/10/2011 19:01, Rudi Gaelzer ha scritto:

On Friday 30 September 2011 21:04:35 Tommaso Cucinotta wrote:

> For the increased memory usage notified by Rudi, if there were any

> problem with handling the Undo instances, then we should have seen

> something about Undo into the valgrind log. If that doesn't happen, then

> I have no clue. The lyxfind.cpp code contains no explicit new

> operations. The only notable action is the creation of a temporary

> Buffer instance on the stack, which is (supposed to be) freed up

> automatically.

Yet the demand is there for me nevertheless... I just tested this on a third F15 desktop box and for 2 simple search operations the memory required jumped to 56% (3GB ram + 4GB swap overall) and stayed there.

I'm definitely not savvy with c++, but if you want I can run some debugger operations, provided that you instruct me how to proceed.

Ok. It would help if you could:

1) install valgrind (find it in your package manager, or issue as root: yum install valgrind); 2) launch LyX from within a terminal as follows: valgrind --tool=massif ./src/lyx; 3) do as few operations letting the problem show up as possible within LyX, then exit. Then, you get a file named massif.out.<pid>. Just, gzip it and send it by e-mail.

If the file is turns out to be too big, please, post it somewhere and send by e-mail only its URL.



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