Am 20.02.2012 03:22, schrieb Paul Johnson:

The LyX windows installer SHOULD set the MikTex package install "on
the fly" option to NO,

No, because then new users would have an incomplete MiKTeX installation and their LyX could not provide all its features.

In my case, it hangs checking for "dvilualatex".

This looks like a problem of the MiKTeX installation and is independent if you on the fly installation is set or not. LuaTeX is part of a basic MiKTeX installation and must therefore be there.

Can you please try to
1. uninstall LyX _completely_
2. open an Internet connection and log in as admin
3. reinstall LyX using this installer:
(I tested that this installer works on Win 7.)

If you still have the same problems you need to reinstall MiKTeX:

1. uninstall LyX _completely_
2. uninstall MiKTeX _completely_
3. check your Windows registry that there are no residues of LyX and MiKTeX
4. open an Internet connection and log in as admin
5. reinstall LyX using the bundle version of this installer:

regards Uwe

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