Am 01.03.2012 00:48, schrieb Uwe Stöhr:

Paragraph ended in line 1032
Missing \end_layout.

Strange that I don't get this.

I now had a closer look and fixed this now.

If you want a more fancy test, try this:


This will convert everything what follows to verbatim. If you look how
verbatimEnvironment() is implemented, you can also see why this is the case.

I now created a new function where \begin and \end inside verbatim environments 
are no longer parsed.
This must maybe be optimized a bit for other cases.
Could you please give it a try? I also now updated the verbatim example in our 
test file.

While doing this I stumbled of a tex2lyx bug with listings:

The solution would be the same as I now did for verbatim.
What do you think?

I also found out that listings are currently not parsed if they have some 

thanks for your help and regards

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