I think it should be easy to ignore the encoding argument if it does
not exist, but the problem that confuses me is why importing Rnw is
involved with lyxsweave.R or lyxknitr.R. I mean Rnw should be treated
as a normal TeX document (the R code should not be executed through
Sweave or knitr), except that the code chunks (between <<>>= and @)
should be treated differently, e.g. as ERT.

Yihui Xie <xieyi...@gmail.com>
Phone: 515-294-2465 Web: http://yihui.name
Department of Statistics, Iowa State University
2215 Snedecor Hall, Ames, IA

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Scott Kostyshak <skost...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 5:11 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
> <lasgout...@lyx.org> wrote:
>> Le 18/10/2012 16:19, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :
>>> The unchangedConverter.log is here (error):
>>> http://paste.debian.net/201557/
>> So the error happens on export to latex because the encoding is not
>> specified.
> The error happens when importing the Rnw in LyX, which from what I
> understand currently calls the Rnw -> LaTeX (plain) converter and then
> run tex2lyx.
>> I think I do not understand what you do exactly. Does the same happen with
>> Sweave (I do not have knitr here)?
> Yes, the same happens with Sweave because the converter Sweave ->
> LaTeX (plain) has a $$e and that string is set to empty because of the
> following code:
> command = subst(command, token_encoding, buffer ?
> buffer->params().encoding().iconvName() : string());
>> Could you send me an example file and a
>> step by step description of what you actually do?
> Yes. I've been using the example file that comes with LyX but I think
> that the same error would occur with trying to import any .Rnw file
> via Sweave or knitr.
> 1. Start a clean LyX instance from current master branch (although I
> have the same problem in branch. I wonder if importing a .Rnw has
> worked at some point?).
> 2. File > Open > Examples button > sweave.lyx
> 3. File > Export > Export As > [tempfolder]/sweaveexample.Rnw  (select
> the Sweave (.Rnw) format)
> 4. Close the current document (the sweave.lyx file) just to make sure
> that it's not involved with the import probem.
> 5. File > Import > Sweave... > [tempfolder]/sweaveexample.Rnw
> 6. At this point I get an error.
> Here are steps to show that (1) it is indeed the Sweave -> LaTeX
> (plain) converter that is being used and (2) that setting the $$e
> variable improves things:
> 7. Close the error box from (6).
> 8. Go to Tools > Preferences > File Handling > Converters > select
> Sweave -> LaTeX (plain) and in the Converter text box manually delete
> "$$e" and insert in it's place "ISO-8859-15" so that the converter is
> now:
> Rscript --verbose --no-save --no-restore $$s/scripts/lyxsweave.R
> $$p$$i $$p$$o ISO-8859-15 $$r
> 9. Click the Modify button.
> 10. Click the Save button.
> 11. Repeat step (5).
> 12. The .Rnw is now partly imported. There will be other problems in
> the import process which I think are due to tex2lyx, but these
> problems are different from the Rnw -> tex problem I am reporting
> here.
> Is the solution to modify lyxsweave.R and lyxknitr.R so that if they
> are not passed an encoding they should just not change the encoding
> from the default R one? This would be easy to do.
> Thanks,
> Scott

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