On 2013-01-14, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
> Am 02.01.2013 15:42, schrieb Richard Heck:

> I want:
> - for paper submission classes we can change the layout for every LyX
>   release (this might break backward compatibility but for these
>   classes you are not allowed to use older class versions)

> - for non-paper classes we can use your proposed layout versioning scheme.

> ---------------

> But to come to an end, decide once again but please act then
> consistently. I will have to update IEEEtran and I want to know from
> you what I should do now. Just naming the new layout to 
> IEEEtran-1-8.layout and renaming the existing one to
> IEEEtran-1-7.layout? This would also break backward compatibility
> because of the renaming. But if we leave an IEEEtran.layout, people
> will for sure use this outdated version to start writing their paper.
> But this is what I want to avoid.

Suggestion for a consistent policy:

* Provide versioned layouts, when there are incompatible versions of LaTeX
  classes, e.g. 
    IEEEtran-1-8.layout, IEEEtran-1-7.layout, ...
* check the package version in the (re)configuring step and make the
  "generic" name an alias to the installed version.

    IEEEtran.layout -> IEEEtran-1-8.layout

* If a change of the layout file requires also changes in the document,
  store the "versioned" name in the lyx document.

+ choosing the "generic" layout for a document ensures that
  export to LaTeX will create a document that compiles with the
  installed version of the LaTeX distro.  
+ The show-up of versioned layouts in the layout combo makes the user aware
  of the version problems.
+ For special needs (e.g. create a LaTeX file for someone 
  with another version of the package), it is possible to select a
  specific layout version.


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