On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Richard Heck <rgh...@lyx.org> wrote:
> On 05/02/2013 03:16 PM, Nico Williams wrote:
>> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 2:01 PM, Tommaso Cucinotta <tomm...@lyx.org> wrote:
>>> As an immediate concern, adding to Pavel's ones, I have to say that I'm
>>> not
>>> so sure that merging different edits on the .lyx file level, very much
>>> like a
>>> version control system would do in presence of concurrent commits, would
>>> actually be guaranteed to produce a consistent/legal .lyx file.
>> You need a representation that makes merging feasible.  A typical
>> 3-way diff/merge like, say, git uses, cannot produce legal C, XML, ...
>> by itself.  It is possible to build 3-way diff/merge that can produce
>> valid merged output for specific syntaxes.  In particular it should be
>> possible for XML and other nested/parse-tree-like formats.  I believe
>> there are some non-free, proprietary XML 3-way diff/merge tools that
>> don't suck, but they are non-free and I've not tried them.
>> If this is the tack you want to follow for collaborative distributed
>> LyX editing then I think it'd be best to write a 3-way diff/merge for
>> .lyx or some representation of it.  A 3-way diff/merge for XML would
>> also be useful in this respect, though it'd bring in more bloat, but
>> it'd also be incredibly useful in general.
> And if we went to an XML format.....


I took a look at the *import* side and I think it wouldn't be hard to
read XML in LyX.  I haven't looked a the save side, but I suspect it's
not terribly hard there either.  The biggest problem w.r.t. saving are
the places where LyX does not stick to strict containership (and which
I deal with in my lyx2xml script by auto-closing (and sometimes
re-opening) tags as implied by the .lyx.  For example, \series and
friends.  This can be dealt with in XML saving code like I do in
lyx2xml, or by changing the handling of such tokens to always follow
strict containership.

OTOH, changing the internals so that LyX always deals with XML
objects, as if .lyx were a DOM, is probably order sof magnitude more
work than making LyX open/save XML.

In fact, a GSoC project to load/save XML would probably be quite useful.


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