Dear Hashini,
Thank you for collection some examples of cases where the text becomes too wide.

To answer your question below: The most common case is for certain print formats that have a small font size for tables (8 or 9 pt). You can fit in a lot of data (text) in one row, but to remain readable on the screen, you cannot reduce the screen font to such a small size. Especially on a laptop, an "overflow" is therefore likely.

A concrete example is the ACM/IEEE format, which has two columns. For wide tables, a column-spanning table is used to fit everything. It's almost impossible to fit so much data on the screen but it fits on paper. For example, check page 9 in this document:

You'd need a cinema to project that table onto a screen that's big enough ;-)

When editing, we also don't want to worry too much about the size of the final output. LyX allows you to enter the content first, and let LaTeX take care of the layout. At the end you can fine-tune the output if necessary (by reducing the font size, for example).

Hashini Senaratne wrote:

I think that both global and local scrolling with cursor are easy to
implement (even global scrollbar is easy IMO). We should indeed try both.

I am also a bit confused with what to implement; a set of local scroll
features or a global scroll feature. I think it is better to try both of
them as Jean-Marc has suggested, as both are having advantages with some

As Cyrille has suggested, I tried to draft a document to identify what we
have to solve at the end of the project.
Please check the attachment at:
As I have identified, horizontal scrolling problem is applicable for tables,
math equations, graphics, floats, boxes and labels. The examples of these
can be find in the attachment. There may be insets that I have not figured
out. So please guide me with those.
Is there a way to embed an image to a LyX document?

As the first approach, solution can be implemented based on the keyboard
movements and then go in to the mouse level, according to the proposed idea.

Still there is a problem in my mind. What is the advantage of allowing to
grow these insets horizontally without any limit? If there is a reasonable
answer for this, there is no doubt that this project adds a great value for
the LyX document processor.
(Most document processors does not allow to grow like this. If the widths of
the table cells are too large, they reduce the cell width and prompt to grow
in vertical direction.)

Thank you

Cyrille Artho -
Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot,
are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves.
                -- George Gordon Noel Byron

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