On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 12:25 PM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes
<lasgout...@lyx.org> wrote:
>> I'm now playing around with 2.1 beta1 and I've noticed the "use
>> justification in LyX work area" within the Document > Settings. I'm
>> not sure if this was discussed before, but I would suggest that we
>> move it to Tools > Prefs > Look&Feel > Document Handling > Windows &
>> Work Area.
> Note that you can make it a global default by saving to default template.
Sure, but what about existing documents? Say you want to read Help >
Embedded Objects and would rather have non-justified text in the LyX
work area, then you cannot just turn on the option as the document is
read-only: you cannot hit OK in Doc Settings. In a non read-only
document that has been saved, changing this option would also mark the
document as changed, although the final output wouldn't change at all.

I'm not sure which is best: per document setting or global pref.
However it seems to me that the current behaviour can be confusing and
seem inconsistent in some cases.


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