On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, R. Lahaye wrote:

> Hi,
> The layout list in the toolbar (Standard, Itemize, Numerize ...)
> is getting longer and longer. I'm continuesly searching for the
> item I need.

In the classes I've converted to layouts I've tried to organize the
entries by type/class eg. sections togethera nd so on.
> I would suggest to have the list ordered alphabetically; maybe
> "Standard" can stay at the top, but the rest would be better
> organized if it was in alphabetical order.

Yuck.  Sorry but I like the classes I use the way they are.
Maybe we really need to start looking at the layout abstraction idea we've
discussed before. Such that LyX knows what styles are of similar types¹ --
sections etc. can then be grouped together in a drop down menu rather
than a combo.  This would at least keep the styles in a more sensible
grouping and should minize searching.

Allan. (ARRae)

¹ This is like having a LyX DTD that abstracts all the different styles so
that we can easily change document classes and match abstract styles
together rather than relying on the style names being identical.
Such as s1, s2, ...sN for the different depths of sectioning and so on.
Heck, it might even be feasible to use docbook XML as a basis (just subset
out what we need for the time being and add on from there).

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