Allan Rae wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, R. Lahaye wrote:
> > I would suggest to have the layout list ordered alphabetically;
> > maybe "Standard" can stay at the top, but the rest would be better
> > organized if it was in alphabetical order.
> Yuck.  Sorry but I like the classes I use the way they are.
> Maybe we really need to start looking at the layout abstraction
> idea we've discussed before. Such that LyX knows what styles are
> of similar types -- sections etc. can then be grouped together in
> a drop down menu rather than a combo.  This would at least keep
> the styles in a more sensible grouping and should minize searching.

1) What if the layout list would be user-configurable, like the
   menu bar is at present?
   Ship LyX with a default layout list, but let the user define
   his/her own when desired.

2) Slightly distantly related to this:
   Is there a plan to include right-mouse-click-contex-sensitive
   menus? (Does XForms allow this technique?)
   For example, marking text and right-mouse-click in the marked
   area, would popup a menu that applies to the marked text.


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