Le 06/05/14 17:52, Enrico Forestieri a écrit :
Well, all other wordprocessor-like applications also have a boldify button
and many other things LyX is currently lacking ;)

To say things differently, I searched without success for an application that uses a specific text color for selection _and_ is able to handle ligatures/kerning properly. Just try the str-metrics branch and play with selection and you will understand what the problem is.

I like very much the way LyX shows a selection in contrast to any other
similar application, but if this is going to cause problems (I don't
know what you mean by "all selection lose color" but, if it is what I
think, it actually is what I experience when I try 'Use system colors')
I am not going to insist... so much ;)

When one selects in LyX; no matter whether there is changed text, maths, or whatever, suddenly all the text changes to black (or white). I find that this is a loss of information.

Actually I think I have found a way to keep our ugly selection colors and avoid dancing text. But it will require some time to experiment. I will maybe propose an alternative solution where selection text is the same as the normal text color.


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