On 11/20/2014 11:53 PM, Cyrille Artho wrote:

Richard Heck wrote:
On 11/20/2014 07:07 PM, Cyrille Artho wrote:
To those who did not think they observed the crashes: Such crashes may
be rare (1 in 100,000 uses), so unless you are looking for them and
force them to occur with tool support, you are not going to notice
this in everyday use. A random crash every couple of weeks will likely
not be noticed as a specific problem.

I agree with this, of course. But then: Why does this particular file
crash *reliably*? when so many others do not?


The frequency of a crash cannot be stated exactly. In some cases crashes may be rare but in others they may occur (say) half of the time you use certain multi-threaded code. This depends on how many variable accesses are involved in the code that competes for the same memory location, among other things.

Yes, I understand that. But it's hard to see what relevant difference there might be between the document set that is causing this crash---which Georg says in the bug report he can produce "reliably"---and other large documents sets that other people
have used frequently without producing any crash.

In any case I think it's no problem to sacrifice a bit of performance to prevent possible crashes, even if the crashes are rare.

Of course, but it'd be good to be sure what's causing those crashes.


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