Scott Kostyshak <skostysh <at>> writes:

> To reproduce, open fr/Math.lyx, click "Use non-TeX fonts", and choose
> e.g. "FreeSans" for the three fonts. Then view as PDF (LuaTeX).

At the first call, I get the following errors (without even selecting "Use
non-TeX fonts") :

! String contains an invalid utf-8 sequence.
l.32 ...el{tab:Unit=0000E9s-disponibles}{{1}{3}{Unit
                                                  �s disponibles}{table.1}{}}
A funny symbol that I can't read has just been (re)read.
Just continue, I'll change it to 0xFFFD.

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> r@tab:
l.32 ...bles}{{1}{3}{Unit�s disponibles}{table.1}{}}
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> r@sub:
l.35 ...ctions\index {Fractions}}{subsection.3.2}{}}

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> r@sub:
l.41 ...see{Symboles chimiques}}}{subsection.3.7}{}}

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> r@sub:
l.44 ...x {Points de suspension}}{subsection.3.9}{}}

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> r@sec:
l.46 ...10}{Matrices\index {Matrices}}{section.4}{}}

! String contains an invalid utf-8 sequence.
l.50 ...8ses-manuelle}{{5.1.1}{12}{Taille de parenth
                                                  �se manuelle\index {Taille...

! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> r@sub:
l.50 ...renth�ses!manuelle}}{subsubsection.5.1.1}{}}

and a lot of similat erroors

All these errors appear when the .aux file is read, in the lines used to
build the table of contents or tables. Each error appears twice.

There are more than 100 errors, so compilation stops and no output is produced.

I'm quite puzzled, because after closing and reopening the file, I get no
more errors and the pdf document opens up.

I must say that in the meanwhile, I tried to export to LaTeX (LuaTeX), but I
could not compile from the command window because of errors about the
unability to copy pdf icon files from temporary to
/usr/local/share/lyx-2.2.0dev/images (where I have no write privileges). I
wonder why because the png's are there all right and the pdfs should not be
needed I guess.

> Further, if the above is done with es/Math.lyx the document is
> compiled without problems. And strangely the preambles are almost
> identical. So I am curious which difference causes the failing in
> compile for the French version.
> Any ideas?

About the latter, the only one I can have is a difference between
frenchb.def and other .def files.

Can you close and reopen Math.lyx and confirm the bug ?


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