Am 08.07.2015 um 13:08 schrieb Jerry <>:

> On Jul 8, 2015, at 3:32 AM, Stephan Witt <> wrote:
>> Am 08.07.2015 um 12:06 schrieb Jerry <>:
>>> On Jul 7, 2015, at 10:54 PM, Stephan Witt <> wrote:
>>>> Am 08.07.2015 um 01:20 schrieb Jerry <>:
>>>> This means you didn't add --enable-qt5=yes - but this is only useful for 
>>>> systems
>>>> with Qt4 and Qt5 installed side by side (like Linux distros typically do) 
>>>> and
>>>> with different names for QtCore et al.
>>>> The problem with Qt detection here is the complete ignorance of the 
>>>> --with-qt-dir
>>>> command line option given to configure. I don't know how this should work 
>>>> intentionally
>>>> but your Qt4 MacPorts Qt-version wins because of the position of 
>>>> /opt/local/bin in
>>>> PATH and configure trying to detect Qt with pkg-config with without using 
>>>> the value
>>>> given by --with-qt-dir.
>>>> Why this doesn't work at the end I don't know - I don't have the MacPorts 
>>>> Qt package.
>>>> Regards, Stephan
>>>> PS. I fear, you'll have a long way to go if you want to solve all issues 
>>>> coming along
>>>> this route. In case you want to ditch the MacPort route and go for Qt5 - I 
>>>> tried it with
>>>> Qt5.5.0 now and this is broken too. They've fixed the issue with RPATH 
>>>> dyld at runtime
>>>> lookup of the Qt-frameworks and now the LyX binary aborts on startup 
>>>> because of this.
>>>> I have to get a working environment with Qt5.5.0 myself first before I can 
>>>> tell you
>>>> the recipe for building LyX this way.
>>> So I gather that somehow configure is ignoring --with-qt-dir and defaulting 
>>> to the path precedence. Would it help if I prepended 
>>> /Applications/Words/LyXOuterFolder/git/qt/
>>> to the front of PATH so that it finds Qt5 first?
>> No, I don't think so. IMHO, the problem is in configure using the
>> /opt/local/bin/pkg-config utility first and trying the given qt-dir
>> as a fallback only.
>>> I'm not sure I follow everything in your PS. I can use MacPorts to install 
>>> qt5-mac 5.4.2 (5.5 is not yet available at MacPorts). Is that worth a try 
>>> while also adding --enable-qt5=yes? (I need to keep MacPorts Qt4 around for 
>>> other stuff, I assume.)
>> This one I cannot answer. I'd try it probably.
>> But I fear this conflicts with the MacPorts way of doing things.
>> I'd guess you have to choose the active port of Qt after having
>> both versions installed and MacPorts will create some links to
>> the active version for you. I don't know.
>> Regards, Stephan
> Hmmm.... It looks like there are activate and deactivate commands for 
> MacPorts. I don't know how they handle things if one programs wants one 
> version and another program wants another version. Seems like this wouldn't 
> be allowed in general but I might get away with playing around for a bit.

I've put a change in to add the necessary -rpath options to the linker command 
These are required to use the self-made Qt5.5.x and probably for the frameworks 
built by Digia.
Look at git commit 6e9bd23a1f1888b2022335b2d05a3f770ada935a

I'm not sure if this is enough to use the Digia frameworks.

Regards, Stephan

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