Am Dienstag, 15. September 2015 um 15:53:19, schrieb Pål Næverlid Sævik 
> It's not clear to me how to fix the dependencies... I'm going to leave 
> it for now, and give it another try later on.  Just a summary:
> - When I'm running LyX directly from MSVC (setting LyX as the startup 
> project), all QT libraries are missing. After manually copying them into 
> the Debug folder (MSVC output folder), I'm able to run LyX, but it does 
> not know where to find .layout files and help files, for instance. And 
> most of the toolbar graphics is gone.

That's why more Windows developers are desired.
Apparently lyx needs a hint, where his system  files resides.

1.) determine the directory containing the file 'unicodesymbols'. (Be it 'xyz' 
for example)
2.) open a command window
3.) use this dir in calling lyx from the command window
        # lyx -sysdir xyz
4.) To see, where lyx searches for files, use the '-dbg files', e.g.
        # lyx -sysdir xyz -dbg files

> Which is weird since LyX is able 
> to render SVG pictures within the document, as well as producing proper 
> PDF output. So it has nothing to do with epstopdf missing.

eps != svg

> - After compiling the Install project and copying the relevant QT files 
> to the bin folder, I get a LyX distribution where the .layout files are 
> placed where LyX can find them. But the toolbar graphics is still missing.
> Pål


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