Le 03/11/2015 21:16, Georg Baum a écrit :
Guillaume Munch wrote:


I am bringing this to the list due to the timing, due to the fact that
it is a file format change, and due to the fact that it looks severe in
the above context.

I suggest moving these settings to the user preferences.

Can we agree on the issue? On the solution? Is it easy to do?

I don't think there is an easy solution, because it depends on the use case.
For example, in our documentation workflows \tracking_changes needs to be
the same for all users, so this should not go into the preferences. For the
other two I am not sure.

For context:

\justification : whether justification is displayed in the LyX window (does not affect output)

\track_changes : whether the track changes button is enabled (does not affect the existing contents)

\output_changes : whether the changes are displayed in the output (I can agree that this one could be considered as part of the document.)

For \justification, it seems obvious that this is a personal preference similar to the display font which should go to the preferences dialog.

For \track_changes, I do not understand your rationale for making it a setting of the document. It is not locked on, so the user who edits the documentations has to know in any case that he should track changes (if I had not been told to, then I'd have turned it off even if it was on).

I do not understand what you mean with "has to be the same for all users". It happens to be the same for all users in this case, but this setting is not sufficient (nor essential) for the workflow. (Also, while ensuring that it does what I described, I noticed that the save button remained disabled after altering change tracking. If it's really part of the document, then pushing the change tracking button should enable the save button!)

Also, is there a way to have settings which are per-user *and* per-file?

Lastly, in any case, conflicts do not always happen, because these settings are booleans, so there are only two possible configurations for each (conflicts happen when there are 3 different configurations). In my case the conflict happened because \tracking_changes and \output_changes are next to one another so they are treated as one by git (thus with four possible configurations). A solution to this particular conflict issue would be to not write them next to one another. But this would be a hack, as it is still annoying to agree about personal settings with co-authors.

For \output_changes, I only use it in a temporary fashion so it's more of a personal setting, but in any case it's ok if we keep it because of the previous reason: boolean settings cannot create conflicts on their own. So when there's just one it's fine, it's when there are many such settings that we have problems.


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