Guillaume Munch wrote:
> express any intention. Your description gives the impression that if
> your collaborator starts writing and they do not see that the changes
> are not being tracked, then they will not know or care about enabling
> change tracking, as if they had no clue, and this little button has to
> be enabled for them without them to know about it... This seems a bit
> far fetched to me.

It is actually were rare that I co-work with geeks and I am very
lucky if I have someone willing to open file in lyx, not to talk 
about recognizing what various buttons on toolbar might mean.
If I set all things (e.g. set CT on) and ask just for simple editing
operations I have some chance to go with lyx...
I am not far fetching things but I understand that my experience is 
actually hard to transmit if your usuall colleagues are computer
scientist in their 30s or similar.

> principle of least surprise: it is not clear for a new user that this is
> a purpose of the button. So if what is currently implemented is really
> what you have in mind, then it is a very poorly designed feature.

I am not toolbar person and always used menu for toggling, it might
be that toolbar buttons are completely screewed without me noticing :)

Before you started this thread it felt natural that CT on/off state
should be document setting and not otherwise.
How other office packages deal with this?


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