Am 26.10.2015 um 21:36 schrieb Vincent van Ravesteijn:

Well yes, there is no "env" command on Windows.

Thanks to Kornel this is now fixed.

Besides that, running is a nightmare:
- Somehow tex2lyx often deadlocks when outputting errors,

Indeed. When I re-run, it works.

- I need to have python in the path,

Thanks, this was important to know. I updated Development.lyx accordingly.

- It complains about not finding git to run "git ls-files"
- I need ssconvert for Gnumeric

Gnumeric dropped the Windows support so we can ignore this.

- It complains that I cannot convert fig formats to pdftex
- and more.

If it is possible, tests that require stuff not available should be disabled on Windows. I don't know if this is possible. if not, I can life with these errors.

All in all the feature works now for me and i just used it for a simple file format change.

many thanks again Vincent and Kornel

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