On Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 02:32:13AM +0000, Guillaume Munch wrote:
> Le 04/11/2015 17:16, PhilipPirrip a écrit :
> >
> >I personally find this very annoying. As a user. It doesn't happen on
> >Linux, so I'm still good, but on Windows:
> >I tested the patch on Windows, no messages were shown if LyX was closed,
> >Windows Explorer window would just close upon the deletion of the temp
> >folder. But, if I had Acrobat Reader open with the document still loaded
> >in, two error messages would pop out giving me totally irrelevant
> >information... I press ok, and than what? LyX is going to close anyway,
> >should I look for the temp folder and delete it myself?
> >
> I also agree that it's better to replace the alert with a message on
> stderr. I noticed that there are already similar messages on the
> terminal when files cannot be removed.
> Attached is a patch. Shall I commit it?

Although I personally like this (as I noted above), I think we should
get opinions from a couple of other LyX developers. From a quick search,
we have been giving a dialog for more than 10 years so there might be a
good reason for it.


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