On 4/11/2015 11:07 a.m., Scott Kostyshak wrote:
On Tue, Nov 03, 2015 at 06:03:36PM +0100, Stephan Witt wrote:
Am 03.11.2015 um 17:39 schrieb Guillaume Munch <g...@lyx.org>:

So the error message is valid. The solution would be to make it clearer. Maybe one could show a 
better message depending on the failure. If it's "resource busy" then we could add to the 
message something like "The directory might be currently in use in a different program".
Unfortunately it's a boolean state only: see FileName.cpp line 639 - 
rmdir(QFileInfo const & fi) called from FileName::destroyDirectory().
A few points:

- I agree with Stephan that the likelihood of users running into this
   message is greater.

- For me the message is shown twice.

- I actually wonder if we should not show the message to the user. Who
   cares that we cannot remove the temporary directory? What if we just
   output the message on STDERR?


I have found the message helpful, particularly when developing a module or a latex package to work with LyX. In the latter case, the failure to remove the temp directory may indicate that a latex process is still running. (Failure of a preview snippet for instance.) From experience I know that this can lead to multiple occurrences of the latex executable running at once, and LyX becoming more and more sluggish.


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