On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 07:04:42PM +0100, Georg Baum wrote:
> Pavel Sanda wrote:
> > I agree with JMarc that we could be flexible WRT shortcuting the dates in
> > case things look good, but I also know that all plans we ever had for our
> > releases were delayed. Let's see :)
> Yes, the plans get always delayed. Therefore I'd like a schedule with about 
> 3 weeks between the different stages (shorter does not make sense). 
> Depending on the alpha feedback we could also skip the beta, but lets see 
> how well it works.

OK sounds good. Since no one was in favor of skipping alpha to go to
beta, I will proceed with the original plan for alpha and we will adjust
the rest of the schedule after some feedback on alpha.

> In any case it is important to be quite conservative regarding changes after 
> alpha, otherwise we throw away a good part of the testing effort.

I am gaining an understanding and appreciation for this point that I did
not have before.


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