This is a long standing and annoying problem I am facing when compiling LyX. When I compile LyX via CMake using "build-install" then

- the compilation of LyX and tex2lyx works fine
- the files like e.g. the gmo-files are created
- but after this is done, the files are immediately created again

So this is done always twice:

  Generating qt4_files
  Generating layouts_files
  Generating languages_files
  Generating latexfonts_files
  Generating encodings_files
  Generating ui_files
  Generating external_files
  Generating formats_files
C:/Python27/python.exe D:/LyXGit/Master/po/ -b D:/LyXGit/Master -o D:/LyXGit/Master/compile-result/po/qt4_l10n.pot -t qt4 --src_file=D:/LyXGit/Master/compile-result/po/qt4_files....

this is annoying because the .gmo file creation needs some time.

Could anybody point me to the code where this execution is acidentally run twice?

thanks and regards

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