Le 12/01/2016 00:30, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :
On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 06:28:02PM +0000, Guillaume Munch wrote:
Le 09/01/2016 00:15, Scott Kostyshak a écrit :

Does any one view an issue as a beta blocker?

The situation with the parbreak separator is not good and I would see
changing its symbol and fixing the insertion of an empty environment
before with Enter (described at the beginning of
<http://mid.gmane.org/n6v646$kuu$1...@ger.gmane.org>) as blocker for 2.2;
thus it would be good if it is fixed for beta.

Fortunately Enrico has already addressed a few issues and the fix for
empty environment insertion should be easy. In addition, there have been
suggestions for replacing the parbreak symbol. If anybody has an opinion
on the symbol do not hesitate to share it.

I looked at the thread (actually it timed out for me but I could search
the MID and found it on mail-archive here [1]). From what I see, there
is no response to that message. In any case, can you make a trac ticket?
This would help me because with a trac ticket I can know (1) exactly
what is the bug (2) when it is determined to be "solved" (because it
will be marked as fixedinmaster or fixed) and (3) it will be easier for
me to keep track of as a beta blocker because I review all of the issues
with a 2.2 milestone tag before releasing.

Can anyone +1 this issue as a beta blocker? I did not follow the
discussion closely.

I think this should be done before release. Does it mean that I have to make it a beta blocker?

I just posted the message on Sunday. I will open a bug report shortly but will first wait a bit for an reply from Enrico (this already helped reduce the number of bugs to report on the tracker).

Also, what is this timeout issue? Some people do not get new messages sent to old threads?

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