On Feb 24, 2016, at 3:04 AM, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <lasgout...@lyx.org> wrote:

> Le 24/02/2016 10:06, Jerry a écrit :
>> I have two TeX installations. One I installed from the TUG (I think that's 
>> what it's called) binary installer, probably TeXlive-2013, and the other as 
>> part of MacPorts, macports.org; this -> "texlive-bin @2015_8+x11 (active)" I 
>> think is relevant information for the active version from MacPorts. LyX is 
>> seeing the MacPorts version since all of MacPorts is in /opt/local. The TUG 
>> version from 2013 is at /usr/local/texlive/2013. I think that is probably 
>> the whole wad since it is 3.4 GB. I have been thinking about deleting it and 
>> relying on the well-maintained MacPorts version.
> Do you have the package texlive-fonts-recommended installed?

I'm not sure how to tell, so I did the macports command, port...
$ port installed texlive-fonts-recommended
None of the specified ports are installed.

so I would say, "no". I also searched my system for "texlive-fonts-recommended" 
and turned up only 
which is a portfile which is not a "yes."

However, I suspect that texlive might install fonts in the places where OS X 
normally expects to find fonts and not in /opt/local where the rest of MacPorts 
lives--I have a question to the macports list about that.

FWIW, the OS X font manager indicates a number of entries for Latin Modern and 
TeX Gyre. When I put T1 into the manager's filter field, four Latin Modern 
families appear in the list. These _might_ have been installed by my other 
TeXLive installation from 2013 which is in /usr/something. Of course the basic 
Postscript fonts are also installed.

> Note that we should probably not require the ec fonts to be installed. This 
> is very old code that I wrote at the time where these fonts were something 
> modern. It seems that it was in LyX 0.11.17, which means that it was written 
> almost 20 years ago :)
> I would propose to remove this code and set the document encoding to T1 by 
> default. This whole font encoding thing has to be rethought, but I am not 
> competent in this respect.
> JMarc

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