Den 27. mars 2016 22:47, skrev Andrew Parsloe:
On 27/03/2016 11:00 p.m., Georg Baum wrote:
Thank you for the explanation. The real awkwardness is if one is writing documentation around LyX/LaTeX. It's far more convenient to simply type the names, which get mentioned multiple times, and have them converted automatically than having to insert the logos from a menu. But there are ways around that (shortcuts).
There are faster ways than the menus in lyx 2.2. Consider View->Toolbars->LyX Documentation Tools It gives you a toolbar with the logos - quicker than the menus for the various logos and the "menu separator".

If you still prefer writing "LyX" and "LaTeX" just do so when writing - then use Edit->Find & Replace (Advanced) when finishing your document You can then replace the text LaTeX with a logo. Advanced search & replace allows replacement with any lyx construct - you can insert a logo in the replace box.
"Replace All" takes care of the document.

Helge Hafting

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