Sorry, I overlooked this (please post always to the list, then others can help as well).

Am 12.06.2016 um 23:47 schrieb Joel Kulesza:
For the sake of complete communication: I've seen failures with 4.6.1, 4.9.2, and 5.3.0.

At this point, I'm not sure of a way to proceed without a deep dive into sgml to try to clean this up.

The implementation of QThreadStorage::deleteData() is different in qt 4.8: It redirects now to qThreadStorage_deleteData(). As a test I changed QThreadStorage::deleteData() to the qt 4.5 version:

static inline void deleteData(void *x)
{ delete static_cast<T>(x); }

This does not change anything for me, compilation does still work with gcc 4.9. I do not really understand the failure you are seeing, but it might help if we could see the complete commandline of the compiler. You get this if you call configure with --disable-silent-rules (from the log file I assume that you use autotools and not cmake to compile).


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