Am 13.07.2016 um 08:44 schrieb racoon:

You're late to the party! :) But if I find some time I'd be happy to try
your compilation instructions as well. I guess you might want to check
with Georg as well.

I was abroad, then on a business trip...

However, I compile LyX on Windows for years now. I hate command lines since I cannot remember commands. Thus CMake and stuff is pure magic to me. What I wrote is how I compile. That might be different that our build system experts proposed but this is how an average user who is not a programmer or IT man can compile LyX.

Please give it a try and I will make a Wiki page out of it that others can benefit from it too. (screenshots will explain much more than words)

p.s. using the real name is in my opinion a matter of respect. This also helps to calm down on heated discussions and to prevent insults. Writing e.g. "Uwe is fucking asshole" is not as easy as writing "FunnyBone88 is a fucking asshole".

regards Uwe

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