On 13.07.2016 01:59, Uwe Stöhr wrote:
Am 18.06.2016 um 17:15 schrieb racoon:

I'd like to compile LyX on my Win7 machine.

Great to hear!

I will try to explain how it works. I nevertheless prefer to use real
names. There is no reason to hide behind an Avatar. You know our names
so it is fair that we know yours. You already helped LyX a lot in
reporting bugs and it would be a pleasure to welcome you in our
developer team in future.


To compile LyX, do this (maybe you already know some parts):

1. pull LyX's source code into a folder of your choice. To do this,
1.1 download TortoiseGit https://tortoisegit.org/download/
1.2 install TortoiseGit  using all default settings! This is very
important (the installer will maybe ask you about line endings, choose
the settings proposed for Windows)
1.3 right click in the Windows file explorer in a folder of your choice
and choose "Git create repository here" from the context menu (use again
default settings)
1.4 inside the new folder right-click and choose "TortoiseGit ->
Settings", there add this
into the field "URL" in the section GIT->Remote
now click on APPLY
TortoiseGit will now ask something, click OK and then YES. This will
take more than a minute just be patient.
1.5 Now close the settings window and inside the new folder right-click
and choose "TortoiseGit -> Pull"
In the field "remote branch" click on the button "..." and select a
branch of your choice. Since 2.2.x is our stable version, I recommend to
start with this. Thus select there the 2.2.x branch and click OK twice
That's it, the first big hurdle is done!

2. install MSVC 2015 update 2 from Microsoft and register it. Having the
update 2 is important otherwise LyX won't be uncompilable! Other MSVC
versions won't also not work to compile LyX. The registration is
harmless, it is just that you can use MSVC for free and unlimited time.

3. install Qt 5.6.1-1:
use this version:

Installing is as easy as just click a few times on OK, use the default

4. install CMake https://cmake.org/download/ and install it

5. download the latest dependencies file:
and extract it to a subfolder of you new created Git folder, e.g. to
(this will later be your GNUWIN path)

6. run CMake. To do this,
6.1 run CMake via Windows start menu
In the field "where is the source" input you Git folder that you just
created. In the following I assume that it is "D:/LyXGit/2.2.x"
In "where to build the binaries" insert "D:/LyXGit/2.2.x/compile"
6.2 In the section with red entries, go to the first one and there
specify the dependencies path
"D:/LyXGit/2.2.x/lyx-windows-deps-msvc2015" as GNUWIN32_DIR
6.3 in the section CMAKE specify the path where you installed Qt as
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. It is usually this path:
6.4 that was it so far, now click on "Configure" and when this is
finished click on "Generate"

7. now you can compile. To do this,
7.1 go to the folder D:\LyXGit\2.2.x\development\cmake and change in the
file build5-2015.bat these 4 paths:
set PATH=C:\Qt\Qt5.6.1\5.6\msvc2015\bin;%PATH%
set GNUWIN32_DIR=D:\LyXGit\Master\lyx-windows-deps-msvc2015
set LYX_SOURCE=D:\LyXGit\2.2.x\
set LYX_BUILD=D:\LyXGit\2.2.x\compile-2015
to the one of your system.
7.2 execute the attached .bat file (check that the paths in it are correct)
7.3 in the appearing console Window type in
build5-2015 install
and press return

LyX will now be compiled!


Please report how for you came and where you stuck. I will setup a Wiki
page describing this procedure with screenshots so that it becomes
easier in the future for new Windows users.

best regards

You're late to the party! :) But if I find some time I'd be happy to try your compilation instructions as well. I guess you might want to check with Georg as well.

I already use my true name which is Daniel (I use it commonly on this list). I got so used to using people's first names only that I did not realize something is missing. But I know that in Germany using last names is still quite popular. (Also, I guess I am a bit hesitant to use my last name since I (almost?) never do so with this email address.) But if using my last name is preferable, I will consider switching my email address (which might make other things a bit cumbersome).

And I don't think that should be a problem for the copyright/gpl statement though since, if I understood correctly, this could be even a pseudonym (which Daniel is not).

I hereby grant permission to license my contributions to LyX under the Gnu General Public Licence, version 2 or later.

Yours truly,

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