Le 08/10/2016 à 16:59, Günter Milde a écrit :
commit efa844702c3844f5bb72ae3218ce175890a67db3
Author: Günter Milde <mi...@lyx.org>
Date:   Sat Oct 8 16:57:52 2016 +0200

    unicodesymbols fixes.

    force=utf8 is required for most characters provided by add-on packgages
    and (almost) all mathematical characters, because these are not
    set up for inputencs utf8

    unicodesymbols.py failed here (python 2.7 under Linux) before the simple fix
    included in this commit.


This commit results in the following difference in doc/MathMath.lyx
after saving:

< \textrm{created with \textbf{\textbackslash frac}} & & \textrm{created with \textbf{\textbackslash cfrac}}\\
> \textrm{created with \textbf{⧵frac}} & & \textrm{created with \textbf{⧵cfrac}}\\
< \mathbf{\int_{n}^{2}f(\theta)=\Gamma}\qquad\textrm{equation with \textbackslash mathbf}
> \mathbf{\int_{n}^{2}f(\theta)=\Gamma}\qquad\textrm{equation with ⧵mathbf}
< \boldsymbol{\int_{n}^{2}f(\theta)=\Gamma\qquad\textrm{equation with \textbackslash boldsymbol}}
> \boldsymbol{\int_{n}^{2}f(\theta)=\Gamma\qquad\textrm{equation with ⧵boldsymbol}}

At first I thought of a bug but if you look closely, \textbackslash is
not replaced by \ but by ⧵ (U+29F5 REVERSE SOLIDUS OPERATOR).

Is this change expected? Is it correct? It seems to result in incorrect
behaviour to me:
* when activating Use non-TeX fonts, it gets output as U+29F5 whereas
U+5C is meant.
* in normal text, \textbackslash remains unchanged by your patch, but
when doing copy-paste from the above formulae to normal text, one gets
U+29F5 (thought it is hidden until one enables Use non-TeX fonts).

Also, and more importantly, this shows that some changes to
lib/[unicode]symbols are in fact file format changes. Is it expected in
this case? Is it easy to see which kind of changes to these files are
file-format-changing and which ones are not?

Thank you,

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