On 12.04.17 11:43, Stephan Witt wrote:

>>> What are some of the present bugs / missing features you're
>>> referring to? I wonder if some workarounds are available...
>> The biggest bug imho is the slowness, worst on OS X.
>> That's supposed to get a little bit better.
> In case you have continuously spell-checking active perhaps you can speedup
> drawing by disabling it.

While editing spellchecker is always off, as are insets closed (well
most) and source view and the like. 2.2.2 is still slow and grows slower
over time. Any improvement in that department thrills me.

> The part below I don’t understand. What exactly is the message?

Being asked about bugs/quirks and possible workarounds I recapitulated
several things:

- that apparently almost nobody was interested in reducing the filesize
of the shipped images. Low hanging fruit, easily done. For PNG without
any side effects, for SVG better be done only for the final image.

- that the download and installation size of LyX is generally really huge

-- because it ships all language files at once
   (this is slightly different with e.g. LibreOffice)
-- because it ships all debug binaries for a final build
   (this is again strictly on topic, because I think that's what alphas
   and betas are for?)
-- because I think it ships lots of Qt-stuff that might not be needed
   for LyX at all(libqtmultimedia), but I may be wrong on this.

As for the images I offered a solution.
The debug builds should be separated into a different download, as maybe
the full language support.
Lacking the expertise for Qt I wanted to  know what it is with that.
Why ship empty folders (that are not and never filled i.e. used)?
And finally as a possible improvement in the future or a workaround now
I suggested that HFS-Filesystem compression could be activated on
installation. Either as a script on the disk image, if accepted. Or done
by the user afterwards. This would at least mitigate some of the
filesize worries. (Apple still sells preposterously tiny, non-upgradable
SSDs as the default.)

While I get it that a comprehensive language support package might be
the consensus here, I fail to see the advantage of not considering the
other options. Imagesize would benefit every platform equally.


>> Huge download and suboptimal to wasteful installation are presumably
>> tolerated.
>> (this is optimal and lossless PNG-crushing in general and SVG-cleaning
>> to shipout pictures for included graphics;
>> [these workarounds can be applied to the package after installation]
>> and then the static build on Mac that ships not only debug builds, all
>> dictionaries and thesaurus files, but also Qt-related stuff that's of
>> little use for LyX: empty folders, audio, print-support, libqtmultimedia?)
>> Another workaround for this might be to use HFS-compression.
>> This gives me on an otherwise cleaned and optimized package:
>> /Applications/LyX.app:
>> Number of HFS+ compressed files: 3171
>> Total number of files: 3348
>> Total number of folders: 246
>> Total number of items (number of files + number of folders): 3594
>> Folder size (uncompressed; reported size by Mac OS 10.6+ Finder):
>> 473816843 bytes / 484 MB (megabytes) / 461.6 MiB (mebibytes)
>> Folder size (compressed - decmpfs xattr; reported size by Mac OS
>> 10.0-10.5 Finder): 149100062 bytes / 150.8 MB (megabytes) / 143.8 MiB
>> (mebibytes)
>> Folder size (compressed): 151100680 bytes / 152.8 MB (megabytes) / 145.7
>> MiB (mebibytes)
>> Compression savings: 68.1%
>> Approximate total folder size (files + file overhead + folder overhead):
>> 155264330 bytes / 155.3 MB (megabytes) / 148.1 MiB (mebibytes)

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