On 15.04.17 12:26, mn wrote:
> On 15.04.17 10:08, mn wrote:
>>> The debug libraries were shipped accidentally - I’ve changed this.
>>>  HFS+ compression seems to work and I’ll use it for alpha
>>> releases.
>> Half of the plugins seem to be superfluous. Have you checked with
>> otool against the binary?
> Just had a look at (my: 2.2.2/Qt5) "About LyX: Build Info"
> There it said:   -mmacosx-version-min=10.7
> macupdate lists minimum requirement as 10.6
> http://wiki.lyx.org/Mac/Mac  lists 10.4
> http://www.lyx.org/Download does not explain any relationship between
> requirements and downloads (nout counting "older").
> and the recently modified LyX-Mac-binary-release script from git says it
> was "last modified 2014" and also mentions 10.4.
> So what is the actual minimum requirement?
> Shouldn't that be communicated more clearly, consistently and more in
> the open?
> Since 2.2.2 is only availabe on intel I wonder why there are references
> to 10.4 and to ppc-universal binaries in the build-script.
> Regarding the build-script for dmgs:
> # copy in background image
>       mkdir -p "${VOLUME}/Pictures"
>       ditto --hfsCompression "${DmgBackground}"
> "${VOLUME}/Pictures/background.png"
> […]
>       mv "${VOLUME}/Pictures" "${VOLUME}/.Pictures"
>       # Unmount the disk image
>       hdiutil detach ${DEVICE}
> couldn't that be simplified to directly create the hidden picture-directory:
> # copy in background image
>       mkdir -p "${VOLUME}/.Pictures"
>       ditto --hfsCompression "${DmgBackground}"
> "${VOLUME}/.Pictures/background.png"
> […]
> --    mv "${VOLUME}/Pictures" "${VOLUME}/.Pictures"
> and adding a line like that:
>       rm -rf "${VOLUME}/.fseventsd"

Currently the dmg ships not only the debug-builds for the Qt-frameworks
but also the headers for Qt frameworks.
These seem unnecessary.
Would it be possible to insert a line in LyX-Mac-binary-release.sh  –
somewhere around line number 964 – that does roughly the following:

find "${VOLUME}/LyX.app/Contents/Frameworks/" -iname "headers" -exec rm
-rf "{}" \;


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